Expressing femininity as a closeted femboy
What's up my fembros I'm gonna tell you how you can be feminine in public without outing yourself. Most of these tips won't require you to buy any sort of clothes that you don't want anybody finding, and they will show you how to feel like the cutie patootie that you are!
- Mannerisms
Mannerisms are a great way to feel feminine and go mostly unnoticed by everybody but yourself. There are many styles of walking, talking, and moving that have been hones through the years to increase one's feminine energy. Walking more gracefully, talking in a lighter tone, crossing your legs when you sit, making fluid motions with your body, and many more simple changes to your everyday life can help you embrace your femininity regardless of where you are. I'm not expert on this obviously, so I recommend researching different ways to alter your mannerisms to become more feminine.
- Accessorizing
Nowadays it is completely normal for a man to wear some jewelry. A simple metal band or a necklace are usually only met with the question of "where'd you get that?" Nail polish isn't completely unprecedented, either. I live in a southern part of the US where obviously our kind of people aren't welcome, but I rarely get any comments about my black nails. I completely understand any fear about this, so a transparent top coat is also a wonderful replacement. It gives your nails a glisten that very few people will realize is even the result of a nail product.
- Boy clothes are also just cloth
Just because something is labeled to be worn by a boy doesn't mean it can only exude masculinity. Oversized hoodies are a staple in the community for a reason: they hide your manly figure and provide comfort. There are many styles of men's clothing that can be fashioned to make you look more feminine, but I'll probably post about that some other time. You can also alter your clothes to be like girl clothes. Boxers are pretty easily maneuverable so with the right technique they can be styled to look like panties. Just roll the legs up and tuck the top part in and voila, your very first pair. Your old t shirts can be cut to made crop tops, you can cut finger holes into socks to make arm warmers, and tons of other crafty things. I recommend looking up tutorials so that you don't mess up any of your stuff though.
- All that is unseen isn't necessarily unfelt
This portion is mostly limited to those who have the privilege of having feminine clothes in their wardrobe. Wearing femme clothes underneath your clothes is an experience that most femboys can relate to so I'll touch on it briefly. Wearing thigh highs under your pants or tank tops unders your shirts simply just make you feel more cute. This, of course, can be accomplished with the afformentioned makeshift crop top and panties. It's especially great in the winter months where an extra layer of clothing is a necessity.
I hope you found these tips useful but before you go I need you to understand 2 things. You need to stay safe. Most people who are out to get people like us won't act unless they have solid evidence of our gender non-conformity, but still be cautious. Don't do anything you know will set off a trigger in those people, it would pain me should something happen to any of you. I'm not trying to scare you, but I need you to stay safe.
The second thing is that confidence is key in this. Your femininity isn't wrong, so don't act guilty. Should someone question you act as if it is completely natural. "Why'd you paint your nails?" "Cuz they're cool." "Why do you talk like that?" "I am who I am." "I've noticed you've been interested in a lot of girly stuff recently." "Ew a stalker" I recommend casual responses like the ones above to throw off any suspicion. Above all you should just avoid people you know are against who we are. It may be hard, but I promise that there are people who will accept you so don't be afraid to leave the people who can't see your beauty.
Again I hope this helped a lot of you, and I'm thinking of doing more posts like this. Let me know what you think in the comments :3