Komputer meledak dan implikasinya, Saran?
Halo komodos, baru saja saya ditimpa oleh kejadian yang sangat tidak mengenakkan. Dan sekarang lagi mengungsi di warmindo to recollecting my thought. So this is gonna be a long one
Singkat cerita, pada jam 4:30 tadi saat saya sedang bekerja di kamar. Terlihat di sudut kanan mata kilatan cahaya orange disertai suara yang mengagetkan dan disusul dengan matinya listrik kos. Dalam sepersekian detik itu saya melompat dan juga sadar kalau komputer saya baru saja meletup, jadi saya langsung bergegas melepas semua stopkontak yang terhubung, dan sampai skrg ga berani buat colokin tuh PC lagi.
The problem is that I have thousands of dollars worth of projects lined up for this month and next, not to mention a couple of projects I need to update or deliver within the next three days, all of which are on that computer. And the final nail in the coffin is that my team and I planned to start our thesis in March, which requires a decent spec PC to work on. That gives me just seven days to resolve this issue.
The solutions I can think of fall into two categories. First, I can take it for repair to determine which parts are salvageable and build a new PC upon it. Second, I can just retrieve the HDD, buy a SATA to USB converter, and work from an internet cafe, as they have the only decent spec PCs I can think of. Each option has its pros and cons:
A.) The first cons is probably money and time constraint. I can't just build a decent spec PC specifically for this period of time, or I'll suffer in the long run. Even my current specs already hit the ceiling to carry out my job (such as out of VRAM, etc.), so a new PC with jumpg of a upgrade is something I've already had in mind for the past couple of months. But since New Year/Jan until now, I’ve only managed to save up Rp 1X.XXX.XXX, and it’s not like I can use all of it in one go. So I probably need to take a loan to manage my cash flow.
The problem is, I don’t have someone I can borrow from, and I also have zero safety net. My parents have zero income, and I’m positive they borrow money from intermediate family to sustain my brother and sister because based on my calculation, their money should’ve run out months ago.
Remember how I only started saving this year? Because last year, in a month alone, I could spend 2.5M on myself, send 3.5M to my parents, 1.5M to my sister, and 1M to my brothers. Which basically left me crumbs to save, and that could easily be used up if something came up in the following months.
But even if I buy a new one, I can’t trust plugging my new PC into this kos-kosan.
B.) As for the second solution, it's somewhat feasible, but the cons are the cost and my health. They have decent specs, ranging from an i3 + 3050 to an i5 - 4070, but spending 40k per day would strain my budget for the next couple of months.
Health-wise, I literally got sick after spending four hours there rendering my stuff. Just sitting there doing nothing for hours was mentally and physically exhausting. And to make things worse, these supposedly educated dickwads were smoking despite the signs, and the admin gave zero fucks. I’m still recovering from a sore throat and having coughing fits as I type this. And you expect me to do this every single day for the next couple of months? I can't.
Sorry for typing in English, I find it easier to articulate my thoughts this way. Any suggestions?
TLDR: PC exploded, have thousands of dollars and thesis on the line. Present 2 solutions (with rant on the side). Do you have better suggestion?
Edit: Gw balik lagi ke kos jam 6 dan cuma berani colok kipas angin, jadi gw rebahan di depan buat ngadem sambil ngetik. Dan lagi2 di momen itu gw liat letupan merah diikuti kegelapan karena jeglek. My Fan just fucking exploded in front of my crotch, I don't know what to say anymore