future and strategy anxiety
Hello, everyone. Last year I've decided that I will work on myself and my study-working ability. I've found a college, where I really want to go and I need a scholarship. I've made a plan for what I need to do for it and n. 1 was to get good grades. (I am already good at school, but from then I've just started studying) There are subjects that I am good at - like math, science, chemistry - and those that I am terrible in - like history and italian grammar (I am not Italian, but it happend that I am in Italy and I go to italian school, wow). So, I've been thinking, if I can work more on those subjects that I like - and that are important, like Maths, Science, English and Literature (maybe?) - and a bit less on those, that I like less and that are less useful (I guess, italian grammar is not so important for an international college). In history, if I will study until it will appear in my dreams, I can make it till 80% in the test.
Maybe you have some thoughts about it? Sometimes, I am really anxious about it. Also because I am planning the next 10 years of my life and I feel that I have to do something to make it till the university, but the only thing that I can do right now is studying and building a study-strategy.
P.S. - Sorry, if my English is messy, I am still learning it 💪