I feel as if no one cares

I feel as if no one cares

Except from family , I feel people at school don't care. That they are just classmates and don't really want me. Why are some good advices for this other than "just be yourself." I don't feel as if "focus on yourself" will help because I wanna. Connection that I can't really get. I feel invisible. I also feel as if I did something wrong people will be quick to hate on me like if I performed bad in school football. It's also hard to just stop caring what people think and I know people probably don't care because they are focused on themselves but actually they do focus on other people and just ignore me. I understand peopel in my school talk about tiktok brainrot and they will ignore you if you talk about soemthing else. Even my own friends ignore me. I heard about focusing on yourself but I want connection which I can't get. Also I don't wanna hear useless advice like "just be yourself" I'm not even jealous of the popular kids anymore it's just unfair that they get connection and I don't. I don't know how to come to terms with being alone as one of my friends suggested.