The devil couldn’t reach me so…
He gave me a child that won’t sleep at night. My LO is 6 weeks tomorrow and refuses to sleep but 30-45 minutes at a time at night until about 4am (this does vary some nights it’s 2am some it’s 4am) then she sleeps for 3 hours. I am at my wits end, running on 0 sleep. In my brain I know it will be better but at 2am after maybe 10 min of sleep, I just don’t believe it. I am napping with her during the day but now none of the house chores are getting done. It’s wild because she sleeps best during the day, when she’s not swaddled, has had no bedtime routine, and all the lights are on. But at night when it’s dark, quiet, and comfortable, nope no sleep for her, rather a screaming fest and then short sleeping sessions where she’s in active sleep. I literally have no idea how I’m going to keep doing this…I’m going insane.