HRV Balance constantly in the red

My HRV balance measure has been flagged as red/pay attention every single day since 7th Feb (35 days ago), yet every other measure in readiness is at optimal/good level. So far in 2025 I have only drunk alcohol on 2 occasions whereas for the second half of 2024 I was having heavy weekends back to back with excessive alcohol consumption. I have been focusing on eating well, exercising regularly and getting at least 7.5/8hours of sleep every night. My work is generally demanding but I am good at switching off at the end of each day - however I tend to see my stress levels reaching up to 5 hours on days where I travel into the office (3 days a week) or have projects that need to be completed.

Looking at my HRV balance trended over time (2nd image) there is a steep decline in February and then a stable lower trend up to today (compared to last year where the spikes indicate weekends I was heavily drinking). Is the red/py attention alert because my general average will be lower than previous months where my HRV would fluctuate a lot? Or is this more of a health concern that I should be looking into? For context I am 24F with history of anaemia and b12 deficiency which has been treated for over the past couple of years