It's not supposed to go perfect whe you put yourself out there
As the title says, I see alot of people on this sunb challenge themselves and face their fear, and when they get laughed at or rejected they never want to try that again. That's not the point of exposure therapy. It's supposed to go wrong sometimes. It's okay if you get laughed at or ignored. The point is you can put yourself there and get ignored and it not be the end of the world as our brain is evolutionarily wired to believe so. If you're trying exposure therapy, it's best to put yourself in situations where you'll expect to get rejected, so you know yoh can still survive either way and not care what people think.
Think of it as a kid in Africa going to a mr olympia bodybuilding competition. At first, it will go wrong, they are weak and skinny and small and will loose the first few times but as they go to the gym, eat protein or creatine or whatever and gain weight and take steroids, then the next few bodybuilding competition will okay and the last few will go really good. The problem is when people put themselves out there, and it dosent go well the first time, and they assume it will never go well.