Someone should host an awareness live about G.
I think she likes listening to herself talk and watching herself.
Pooped in the bath
Is G on yet?
A, your aren’t you embarrassed? G acting like a fool?
Ok so if we’ve heard that the law office is fake and mm, a and g swore it was real, what next? (And they took an oath).
What gets me is how can people say she’s a good mom when they only see her on tik tok? They don’t see what happens when she’s not on tik tok.
Bag incident
But on one of her lives she said A and her spanked, but, flicked c but nothing worked. Anyone else remember that?
A moms job is exhausting it's not just you little girl. You think only C is the hardest to handle?
G, you said the dr confirmed you were 6 weeks pregnant…..
A in the bedroom guiding her on what topics to talk about? We heard your text dinging….
But yes, you and D and A laughed about dv! Most of us have seen the post, there’s proof!
And when you left c in the home alone while you were in the neighbors garage, anything could’ve happened and you were too busy drinking and playing darts!
G hoping we forget she’s supposed to show something doing with her vet tech job.
“I’m keeping my son offline” continues to show him and videos of him. Ok got it
We really don’t care about your family pictures! Show cc’s proof of registration!
I can’t with the mouth sounds
C gets mad at her? G, YOU are the mother!
Did F & G make up?
Eating at the table?
Pray before you eat ?!?🤣🤣🤣🤣 you ain't ever prayed before you eat 🤣🤣🤣🤣 someone's trying hard to put on a show for the new viewers coming in
A finally told G to stop showing C to the live. 4 years too late.
G no one’s texting your mom. We all know how you and A like to text her from fake numbers so you can add it to your court evidence.