i’m wasting my teen years
Help, I don’t want my house to be a box anymore!
Taco Tweak
I hate how everyone subtly patronizes quiet people
Uneven drooping face, I look like a Picasso painting
This is disgusting..
Does a serial killer live here?
How do I open up about my violent, sexual fantasies in therapy?
Hrh Collection thinks that a teacher having sex with a little boy isn't rape.
How do you feel when you’re disliked and unwanted?
Caitlyn Jenner has let herself go 😔
When you realize to even be social you have to have the looks…
Outfit OCD
Are some people born with sexual paraphilias? Or are they only formed through childhood experiences/trauma?
Overwhelmed with rage
Why am I so painfully awkward?! I'm always left totally embarrassed after every interaction I have
Is it possible to rip someone's breasts off with just your mouth?
Does your OCD ever lead to psychosis?
The overthinking is killing me
Tired of anxiety
Does she actually think this tacky Forever 21 jacket is a vibe?
18f wanting unbiased opinions on my looks
19M I hate myself
my experience in psych ward and hospital as an ugly (trigger warning-??)