Bichinhos de estimação
I just found out that there are people who hate Mizi for... getting in Ivantil's way?
My art of YHWH
Free the baby from the cult
Standing with the montelli family
Of course it's the church! It's always the f Church!! Why wouldn't it be the ff church!!
Os Quatro Pilares do Sub
Titi não consegue ser fiel nem ao time pqp
sorry to all the "daisuke would help anya" truthers
Christians, are there any Athiests you enjoy watching/listening to?
Opinions on this take?
Saw a post and had to edit it (based off gf's suggestion)
I like the Hazbin Hotel Fandom, but some of you, and I repeat, SOME of you need to hear this(and it's the same thing with Stella from Helluva Boss)
Which tradition of Christianity do you follow, or just simply follow Jesus and if you want say something beautiful about it?
The crispy gang (by omagpies, linkcharacter and hotdogmchggin)
If this event is permanent, does that mean we're practically married to Phoebe and have decided to settle on the Riccioli islands, living off fishing and trading?
Palavras ao vento (história completa)
quem é milena jamais será jeremias
Am I committing idolatry?
Please pray for Pope Francis, whose health appears to be in steep decline.
Your opinion on evolution ?
I hope that one day, Hagia Sophia becomes christian again
Existem mais supostas evidências que a Magali está sendo excluída aos poucos? Só achei esses 3 posts sobre isso
Some of you need to realize this.