Does anyone have any tips on traveling in/to the UK to France?
33 and never had a gf? Be brutally honest, please
What is the first game that comes to mind when seeing this logo?
How do homeless shelters work?
6 months sober: I miss chaos
Quick stylized sangheili sketch
I’m taking pills I want someone to notice
If you know this man, shame on you for what you did to him.
I feel undesired as a masculine woman
First Time Diver Tomorrow
Which dumpsters do you divers check to find things?
I am scared to do with my girlfriend for first time
What’s a moment that terrified you in a game as a child?
being alive is far too uncomfortable to ever be something i’d want to do
Woman pleads guilty to recording herself with her dog and child stuff
Don't do it
Are all Halo fans Breaking Benjamin fans? Or are all Breaking Benjamin fans Halo fans?
Everyone is evil
New art from me for you all
manic pixie dreamgirl with a knife
What's the point of living if you're ugly?
I wanna get in on this hehe! what vibe of lesbian do I give off?
No one likes me
I have to decide between psychiatrist or drown in the sea