Personality, kindness, talent, skill, none of it can make up for being ugly. The world constantly makes us feel like we don't deserve to be happy or included until we become ATTRACTIVE. The only saving grace is plastic surgery
Wtf is the beauty standard at this point??
So all my coworkers are hanging out and I heard from someone else and no one invited me…. This always happens when you’re ugly. People you think you’re close to don’t invite you to hang out because youre ugly
I feel like it's impossible to be Likable or Socially accepted when you're TRULY UGLY
I’m so tired of having to deal with people and interact with the world while being ugly
People pitying you at random because they know how hard it is for you being ugly??
This is so …. Brutal… like I’ve never had a real life relationship and yeah when you’re ugly people aren’t likely to laugh at what you say unless they’re laughing at you
Even when your parents are dying, they remind you how ugly you are
Anyone else don’t have the motivation to live? And feel like everything is pointlessly harder just bc youre ugly?
People really be thinking they’re good actors or good with people
When you realize to even be social you have to have the looks…
Will ugly people eventually become more normalised?
The MicroAggressions of Rejection people give us for being ugly..
Do you feel as though people automatically dislike you / find a reason to not like you??
I’m honestly so sick of hearing the words “charisma” and “confidence”
People seem willing to accept ANYTHING about you AS LONG AS you look Good Enough
I can’t shake off the fact that me being an ugly ogre is ruining my life
does being ugly get easier??
It’s depressing when you realize you have no real power to make change in your life due to being ugly
People don’t realize that being likable is mostly about being attractive.. if you try to be likable as an ugly person people just end up hating you more. Good looks = Charisma
I’ve been trying to explain this to so many of you
Extremely Upset and feeling hopeless
I understand how girls feel about ugly guys a little bit
It's so awkward when you put effort into your appearance.. and STILL get ignored and treated like shit